I have a corgi named KIKO. As far as I know, these breeds are active.
Kiko likes to play a lot especially in the summer time whenever i take him out to a dog park. During the winter, it's not that fun to walk for an hour in the cold. I usually take him out only to go pee or pooh which only takes about 10 minutes 2 to 3 times a day. This isn't good enough. Since I live in a condo which has a very limited space, I sometimes play with him. Balls. A little jumping for him. Runs back and forth.
The most important thing that I do almost everyday especially in winter is MASSAGE. I give my dog a massage. I do kneading or stroking massage. I always start it on his face down to the spine and the his torso. Kiko loved it. It seems like he has more energy and happier after he gets his massage. And whenever i tell him..."massage", he would lie on his back right away because he loves it when i massage his chest area.
So for all dog owners... start massaging your pets esp in the winter.
Pacquiao Vs Hatton
15 years ago